Greetings! We are a pair of amateur genealogists who have been hooked on family history research for roughly three decades. We are both originally from Shreveport, Louisiana. Gary is a graduate of the Air Force Academy (B.S., Engineering Management, Class of ’67) with an MBA from UCLA. He was a forward air controller in Vietnam in 1969-70. After that, he had a career in the natural gas pipeline and pipeline engineering businesses in a variety of management and executive roles. I am a graduate of OU (B.A., Economics, Phi Beta Kappa) and the University of Houston (J.D., law review). I worked in the energy business (natural gas pipeline, E&P) for 14 years after we got out of the Air Force. My last job in that business was as Director of Economics and Planning for an international oil company. It turned out to be the glass ceiling, so I left to attend law school. We have lived in the Houston area since 1975, and it has become home. We are both retired and enjoying traveling, genealogy, gardening, fishing, and activities involving St. Philip Presbyterian church.
We think this webpage/blog will be a fun forum for sharing some of what we know — as well as (1) what we DON’T know (but wish we did), (2) some things other researchers THINK they know about our families (although we think they may be wrong), (3) some plain ol’ raw data we have collected, (4) family ancestor charts, and (5) whatever else strikes our fancy. For starters, here are the families we initially anticipate writing about: ALEXANDER, BUCKLEY, BURKE, BUSBEY, CHADOCK, DEAL/DIEHL, ESTES, FISHER, GRAVES, LINDSEY, MARTIN, OAKES, ODOM, PATTON, POWELL, PERRYMAN, RANKIN, RIVERS, SENSOR, STUBBS, TRICE, WILLIS AND WINN.
We hope there is something in it for you. Happy hunting … NOBODY has more fun than genealogists do!
Gary Noble Willis & Robin Rankin Willis